PRODUCT RECOMMENDATION: I cannot recommend our fridge and freezer enough! This was one of our favourite purchases and we were actually told NOT to buy it by the sales representative.
The reason: It's doesn't fit a pizza box. 😳
Apparently he didn't know there's a thing called Tupperware containers.
It's made by Liebherr. Our thought, if they can make cranes they could probably make these.
We bought it anyways and, while the fridge is quite a bit smaller than most others we looked at, we have nothing bad to say about it!
counter-depth and relatively small so we never lose food to the back of the fridge.
3 large compartments for fruit, veggies, etc.
comes with organizers, containers, egg and butter dish, dividers, etc. All sorts of goodies
moveable shelves to store things of all different sizes
And the freezer! Well it's full of drawers. While I'm short and can't reach the top drawer, I don't mind because everything is so beautifully organized! Our model came with an ice maker and some come with a water dispenser (ours did not).
The only thing missing is a label area on each drawer (but I dusted off my label maker so ✓)
TIP: When installing, be sure to add 2 reciprocal plugs. The plugs cannot fit together on 1 reciprocal. Our electricians made that mistake. Ps. it says so in the install manual.
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Chelsey Morphy
Home Consultant & Designer
Working on a New Home
Supporting, inspiring and educating homeowners on their new home or renovation journey as the Founder and CEO of Homeowner HQ
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